What Can I Keep Through Bankruptcy?

packing box tape

If you’re facing overwhelming financial difficulties, bankruptcy could be the fresh start you need. But you might not have filed for bankruptcy yet because you’re afraid that you will lose everything.

The truth is that you can keep far more of your property than you might have thought. In fact, most people who file for bankruptcy do not have to give up any property at all.

At Horwitz & Horwitz, LLC, we can help you understand what you can and can’t keep during bankruptcy. Bankruptcy lawyer Barbara Horwitz has years of experience helping people like you through bankruptcy.

Bankruptcy Exemptions

Bankruptcy “exemptions” allow you to protect certain items of property from creditors. They include:

  • $21,625 equity in a home
  • $3,450 in equity in a car
  • $11,525 in household items
  • $2,175 for tools of the trade
  • $1,450 in jewelry
  • $1,150 for general exemptions (wildcard)

If you are married and filing bankruptcy jointly, these amounts double. It is very important to work with an experienced bankruptcy attorney because an oversight could result in you giving up property you should be allowed to keep. Bankruptcy lawyer Barbara Horwitz will work with you personally to review your assets and debts so that you can keep as much of your personal property as possible.

We’ll walk you through every step of the bankruptcy process, answering your questions and giving you straightforward advice.

Contact us today to find out what you can keep after bankruptcy in Ohio and to schedule a free initial consultation with an experienced Centerville bankruptcy lawyer.

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.
